Do you have questions or want to learn more about eClosings?
Check out the FAQs below or simply CONTACT US!
Q. What is an eClosing?
Completing the closing process by electronically executing some or all of the loan closing documents.
Q. What are the benefits of eClosing?
For Lenders:
• Save hundreds per loan
• Improve data & loan quality
• Eliminate errors, missed signatures, etc.
• Streamline business processes
• Decrease warehousing by funding faster
For Consumers/Borrowers:
• Enjoy a convenient, faster, more transparent experience
• Access documents anywhere, anytime from any browser
• Review all documents at their convenience, prior to closing
• Increase consumer satisfaction & empowerment
Q. What is a hybrid eClosing?
A hybrid eClosing is a combination in which some documents are traditionally wet-signed and some documents are electronically signed.
Q. What is a full digital eClosing?
A closing in which all documents are signed, notarized, and recorded electronically.
Q. What is an eNote?
An eNote is the electronic version of the promissory note that is executed on an eClosing platform and is registered with the MERS eRegistry upon execution.
Q. Are GSE’s accepting eClosed loans?
Yes. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have long-accepted electronic signatures on documents in the closing process and believe that eClosings and eMortgages are the future.
Q. What is the difference between eClosing and eSigning?
eSign simply replaces a wet signature with a digital signature and is just one component of eClosings. eClosings encompass the entire Pre-Closing, Closing and Post-Closing phases of the transaction.
Q. Do all states have laws to support the use of eSignatures?
All 50 states have adopted some form of eSign statute or law.
Q. What equipment is required to eClose?
No special equipment is needed. However, we recommend a touch device similar to a tablet or touch-screen laptop.
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